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Anna Mazlin standing outside in blacl workout gear, in tree pose
2020 Ketogenic Diet Certifications from NASM, AFAA, ISSA and Canfitpro

Hey there, I'm Anna.

I’m a Certified Ketogenic Diet Coach and kid wrangler.
I’m a busy mother of 3 school aged-kids that loves drinking coffee, making lists and watching Survivor reruns with my husband.

I’m the creator of the low-carb food blog: Appetite For, where I’ve been sharing my signature 30-minute, family-friendly keto recipes and guides for 5 years.

Since 2015, over 1.5 million people have visited my little blog in their search for a simplified approach to the keto diet.

I know first hand how frustrating it can be to eat a keto diet when your family isn’t supportive. I struggled for a long time to make keto work with my family but I persevered because I could see that it delivered incredible weight loss results as well as multiple other health benefits.

Over time, I learned the techniques and strategies to successfully stay on track with keto without spending my life chained to the kitchen.

I want to make it easier by showing you exactly how to enjoy stress-free family meals while watching the pounds literally melt off.